"Saving On Groceries & Getting Out Of Debt Has Never Been Easier!"
**Today's FREE Bonus For All Visitors: Learn To Get One FREE Grocery Item Each, PLUS Discover How You Can Pay Of Your Credit Cards And Get Out Of Debt With Lightning Fast Speed! (sign up further down)
If you could read just one article about how to save your household hundreds or even thousands of dollars every month, then this is it. We'll show you how to pay off your family's debts in one third the time! We'll also show you the tools and techniques to easily save huge amounts on your grocery bill, putting hundreds of extra dollars in you pocket, each and every month! You will wish you knew these techniques years ago, and bad debt will literally be a thing of the past! So let's get started:
What if I told you that you could save 40-70% on your grocery bill?
Why would you ever pay retail prices for groceries again?
For example, the retail price on all of these groceries would have been $133.34, we paid only $13.56! (Actual savings example)
"My Family is saving $100.00 per week on our Grocery Bill! This system not only saves us time but also our hard earned money, which we can use to pay off debt and save for retirement."
-Curtis B
Imagine what this extra $200-$500 in monthly savings could mean for your household!
My name is Daniel Pereira, and I have a request:
Never Pay Retail Again!
Dear Friends,
This extra $2400 to $6000 a year is easily attainable, while shopping at the same local stores that you love to shop at! No online grocery shopping ever!
You still shop at your local grocery store, and you still bring home your favorite name brand products- maybe even some that you didn't think that you could afford before- all at prices lower than wholesale cost.
Imagine, you bring home toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, razors, yogurt and salad dressing. Then imagine telling your spouse you were able to pick up these groceries for free!
Sounds too good to be true? Well, it isn't if you have the right tools. You see, through a process known as power shopping, thousands of people every day go shopping and choose to pay wholesale pricing on their groceries rather than retail pricing. This is where we come in, we are here to easily teach you how to obtain these savings by only spending a few minutes a week devoted to the cause!
"I am so excited! I used to be an avid Costco shopper until I was introduced to this grocery program. My very first month, I stocked up and saved $600! It is so easy that anyone can do it, and everyone should do it. Give it a try!" - Carrie R
Time Out For Some Free Info.
I would like to give you some free information that can easily save you hundreds of dollars over the next year. Our grocery savings newsletter and mini course will help save you extra money on groceries with little effort on your part. This is because I am going to share with you:
How To Get At Least 1 Free Grocery Item Every Week!
The Best Online Coupons To Print!
Video Tutorials Teaching You Time-Tested Power Shopping Techniques!
All we need is you name and email address in order to start saving with us. You can cancel your subscription to this info at any time.
You're going to get a lot of great deals with this free info. Congrats!
Now let's get you saving even more...
I have a power shopping system that I want you to try out RISK FREE. And if you don't save HUGE amounts of money on your grocery bill with my system, then (NOW LISTEN UP, THIS IS NO JOKE) I am going to give you $200.00 in free money saving materials!
Let me explain...
Like I have said, my name is Daniel Pereira, and I am slowly becoming known as an expert in the grocery savings industry. I started learning so much about this industry because a while back I joined a company called ATI that teaches people financial education. Part of what we teach people is how to cut your grocery bill in half through a concept known as "power shopping." I have made teaching people about grocery savings my biggest focus within this company. Now, let me ask you something:
Do you hate bills? I know I do! And I know you want to reduce your bills without getting new bills.
Here's why I ask:
At ATI our grocery savings system is spectacular! Each month this program shows you the best grocery deals in your area. It matches up sale items with the available coupons. You then you get instant access to about 10 to 15 items you can get for free and usually over 1,000 of the best grocery prices you have probably ever seen, each and every week saving you hundreds per month!
Now here's the problem...
In order to use this software, you have to pay a monthly fee! (More commonly known as a B.I.L.L., the things you and I hate! ARRRGGGGHHH!)
Because this system works so well, thousands of people pay this $300 per year. But what I want to do today is teach you how to get this same grocery savings information each and every month, without having to take on an extra bill!
You see, I have learned so much about the grocery savings industry, and have helped so many people save hundreds per month on groceries, that I have been able to create an entire grocery savings system that allows you to obtain the same information and the same grocery savings each month for free! Tons of people have been achieving the same results with my simple system without having to pay a monthly fee, and they learn how to do it through my book that I have put together called "Saving Money through Power Shopping." You are going to be able to take my book for a test drive today. And you are going to learn how to achieve MASSIVE grocery savings each month, and it will all be at no risk to you!
So, If you would like a few hundred extra dollars in your pocket each month, and if you would like to be able to save on groceries to the point where you are constantly getting free groceries, and if you want this savings to come very easily (let's face it, you have almost no time to spare), then prepare to be amazed!
Here are the 7 most exciting things you'll discover when you give our power shopping system a try:
The system that takes virtually no time to discover the absolute lowest prices and best deals in town each week!
A true guide for bargain hunting, with a huge exception! That is, you don't have to do any hunting. Everything is handed to you on a silver platter.
The best FREE power shopping resources available, Resources so great, that if everyone knew about them, we would put the grocery stores out of business!
Unbelievable techniques that get MASSIVE RESULTS. Save more money than you ever dreamed possible at your favorite grocery store buying the same groceries that you already love to buy! (We aren't going to tell you about some crazy buy in bulk program.)
A system for obtaining STACKS of coupons. (When you have this many coupons, it is almost impossible not to save hundreds per month.)
Discover what thousands of people are paying $25 per month for, and be THRILLED that you have access to that same weekly information for free!
Always, know the free groceries available in your area. On average, there are 10 to 15 free groceries you can get in your area each week! Discover how fun it is to get free groceries and learn what free items you can get TODAY!
It only takes a few minutes extra...
"I use the techniques in Daniel Pereira's Power Shopping book at least once per week and save 40-75%.
It only takes a few minutes extra to save this way! THX Daniel." Dan D. --Arizona
So, here it is, the guide "Saving Money through Power Shopping." It comes with video tutorials, power shopping techniques, and information to access the best free power shopping resources available. It is delivered to you in the form of an eBook (electronic book) and the great thing is, it is available today as an immediate download! All of this information is only a few clicks away! From what I have seen, our guide is the best-selling grocery savings eBook on the web. This is probably due to the fact that we are teaching you about solid power shopping techniques and free tools that allow you to easily save hundreds per month.(Please note: This book was designed for saving money on groceries in the United States only.)
I have read other grocery savings eBooks in the past and many of them were people's personal techniques to saving money on groceries. I want you to know that this guide is nothing like the other grocery savings eBooks that sell on the web; I do not teach you a personal story of how I save money on groceries. I am going to teach you how to craft your own game plan in order for you to save the most amount of money possible for you and your family.
Another unique thing about this guide is that you are going to be able to access grocery savings information that people pay hundreds of dollars a year for, and I prove it right in the book! I told you about the $25 system that my company sells, and there are actually a good handful of similar companies that will sell grocery savings programs for the same monthly fee. Thousands of people across the country pay for these programs because they work! But, instead of paying a monthly fee for a system that shows you the best deals, I take you to resources that almost nobody has heard about that allow you to get the same information each month absolutely free!!
I would have never bought retail...
"I'm amazed at how these grocery-saving tools work and that there are so many of them! If I had known about these before, then I never would have bought retail. Thanks Daniel!"
Katrina R. --North Carolina
Get ready to discover the secrets to having access to the best prices on groceries in town! Our eBook shows you how to easily obtain these savings in record time:
All these savings can be yours today!
With your copy of "Saving Money through Power Shopping: How to immediately Save 40-70% on your Grocery Bill" you will receive a step-by-step guide that spells out all the details!... All the guess work is taken out.
Now, when people sign up for the $25 per month program that my company offers, they usually still need some guidance in order to effectively use my company's grocery savings program. So, what do we do? We teach them time-tested power shopping techniques so they can maximize their savings using these programs. I have done the same thing in my book "Saving Money through Power Shopping." You will get access to pages and pages of guidance, tons of video tutorials, and the best free grocery savings resources available in order to guarantee that you will save the most money possible each and every month!
My colleagues and I have taught thousands of families these techniques. Many families have used these money savings techniques and have been blown away at how easy it is to use these systems!
Some parents in the past have spent hours of their time each week clipping and organizing coupons and looking through all the ads in order to find the best deals, but not you! You will take the fast approach to learning how to power shop, spending the least amount of time possible, saving your family $200 to $500 a month!
What a deal!
"What a deal! This is the 3rd week I have been using your strategies. The first week I saved $40.00, the 2nd week I saved $45.00 and this week I also saved $45.00. I hope to save even more as I accrue more and more coupons. Thanks for all your help!"
Julie W. --Maine
Here are just some of the ways the book "Saving Money through Power Shopping" will benefit you and your family...
Discover my tested, proven system for saving your hard-earned money without eating in to your precious time!
Avoid hassle and confusion at the grocery store.
Have extra money available each month. Be able to pay off debts you may have, relieve stress in your life; start to do a few things that you haven't been able to afford until now!
Discover how to that take all of the "real" work out of grocery savings. Get the peace of mind that your savings will come each week with minimal effort.
Save yourself months of learning, time, and research and start saving big tomorrow. (I have done all the work for you. With my expertise, I take you deep inside the system and reveal secret tools and strategies that you won't read about anyplace else.)
Start making up for all the times that you have overpaid at the grocery store. Believe me, it feels really good to walk out of that store with a cart full of groceries that you only paid $10 for!
Become one of the few people not affected by the insane increases in our food prices! (I have talked to an expert in the food distribution industry and he tells me things are going to get even worse!)
Start shopping with joy! Grocery shopping will no longer be a painful drain on your wallet. Getting great deals like these is actually pretty fun and the savings are addicting!
Learn the 10 common grocery items you can almost always get free. These items are so popular that you probably spend around $20 per month for them. Now you will get them absolutely free!
Get all of these savings, even if you don't want to use coupons! I'll show you how to cut your grocery bill in half, even if you never clip a single coupon ever again!
Saved over $200.00 in the last 2 weeks!!!!
"I am so thankful for your information on becoming a smarter shopper. I purchased your book and have already saved over $200.00 in the last 2 weeks!!!! I will never go back to paying full price again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Kristi J. --Idaho
Okay, so what is the cost for this amazing resource?
I have sold tons of copies of this program at $34, and on Sept. 30th I decided to give everything away for only $7 due to our country's financial crisis. Here's PROOF that I have sold tons of copies at $34, and then I'll further explain my logic of a $7 price:
And the list of sales keeps going and going...
But, some of you are probably thinking that a price drop from $34 to $7 is way to good to be true, so here's why I am doing this: We have sold enough copies at $34 that it has covered our website's expenses while starting to compensate us for our time, but we have received a number of emails from people who would like to purchase this program, but the cost has been a bit too burdensome. Also, with the newest occurrences in our economy, I had to lower the cost so that everyone could afford it. We expect with the new price that we will be able to help the most people out while still covering our expenses for maintaining this site.
This is the lowest price that we have ever offered for this grocery savings eBook, and today you can get it for around 20% of the normal $34 price. We plan on leaving this price at $7.00 until things in our economy get better. Please don't think that this is some attempt to try and take your money. The testimonials we have provided on this website are 100% true. Our site has been around for a while and has been used and trusted by thousands of people. If you have any doubts, do your research on this site. Also, do your research on ClickBank. Look across the web for what others have said about our site. You'll see that this program that we sell is easily worth 10 times the $7.00 price, and that if you try things out, you can only win. You'll also find that the people who have purchased and followed our program have eased the financial burdens for their families.
O.K., when the price was $34, we also we giving away over $150 worth of free bonuses. We decided that there was no reason why we shouldn't continue to give away these bonuses at the $7.00 price, especially since these bonuses have also further helped the financial situations for many families. Here they are...
Here are 8 HUGE BONUSES (worth over $150!) if you decide to try out our system TODAY!
We promise you that if you act today, you will be guaranteed all of the following 8 bonuses:
Huge Bonus #1:
The Complete Bonus Report "Discovering the Hype About Manufacturer's Vouchers" Throughout the whole power shopping system we really hit on some powerful techniques for grocery savings, but there is one thing we don't cover, and that is how to get free groceries with vouchers.
There are people selling eBooks on the web for around $20 that will teach you exactly what to do. But this won't be necessary. You will learn some major secrets behind this concept, and you will be able to decide if you will use this additional method in order to get even more free groceries!
Huge Bonus #2:
A Special Financial Analysis: The company I joined that teaches people financial education is called ATI, and because of my association with them I am able to provide certain people with a free financial analysis. I do not know how much longer I will be able to offer this free analysis, so you need to take advantage of it immediately. This may be the most revealing financial analysis you ever take!
That is because it shows how you can pay off your house in only 10 years time! And guess what, for many, you will be making the same monthly payments that you are currently making today! For now, I am able to offer this analysis absolutely free to people who purchase my eBook. Don't miss out on this great opportunity!
Huge Bonus #3:
Free additional eBook: "How to Make Money in the Couponing World." Since I have made grocery savings my biggest focus with ATI, I have learned a lot about the grocery savings industry, and also, a lot about how to make money in this industry. I am currently working on an entire system that will teach people how to make great incomes in this industry. This book I have written will be a huge part of the system. The price tag for the entire system will be around $100. So, take advantage of this huge bonus right now!
This guide is only about 90 pages long, but what it teaches can make you some serious cash! Here is a very small part of what you will discover in this eBook:
The secrets I have uncovered in order to make money in this industry, just by giving people free stuff!
How you can make a part-time income in this industry without taking any risk and without investing a single dime!
Secret money making emails that you can copy and make your own that will make you money without selling!
The RISK FREE affiliate program that pays you a 70% commission!
Get access to free software that you can share with others... Then GET PAID even more!
Huge Bonuses #4 and #5:
The "Coupon Codes" eBook and the eBook "Million Dollar Emails." These two additional resources will provide you with different benefits. First of all, I want to give you the eBook "Million Dollar Emails" as a helping guide to the eBook "Making Money in the Couponing World." If you do decide to make money part time in this industry, then this additional resource is really going to help you out!
Also, since the main purpose of these resources is to help you save the most money possible, I wanted to give you the "Coupon Codes" eBook. This great resource is going to uncover some HUGE money saving secrets behind online spending. You are basically going to learn how to do power shopping on the internet! You will learn how to take advantage of specials like 6pm.com coupons from webbyplanet and additional opportunities to save money online.
Huge Bonuses #6 and #7:
The "Family Budget" and "Debt Free Lifestyle" eBook package! These two great resources are going to show you how you can still enjoy many of the things that you enjoy in life while eliminating the HUGE STRESS of debt that many Americans are dealing with! Get on the fast track to debt relief and start enjoying your hard-earned cash with these two amazing resources!
Huge Bonuses #8:
A Free Gas Savings eBook! I remember 4 years ago when I came back from Brazil that people where talking about the "pain at the gas pump." The gas prices were around $2.00 per gallon, and this was very painful for a lot of us. Well, to be honest with you, these gas prices nowadays are getting so out-of-hand, that I don't even know if the phrase "pain at the gas pump" does us justice. This free eBook is full of tips to help you lower your costs when you buy gas for your vehicles. Start getting the best prices that you can on your gasoline!
You are Guaranteed A Winner With Our:
1 Year 100% Money-Back Or $200 In Money Saving Materials Guarantee!
OK. So here is the deal:
Like most businesses, we offer a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the information that we provide to you. You can ask for you money back anytime within the next 2 months if you just don't like how this system is presented to you. Plus you keep all the bonuses!
Now, for those of you who actually follow this system, I wanted to take my guarantee a HUGE STEP FURTHER:
So, you download our eBook "Saving Money through Power Shopping." Then, you TRY IT OUT. You read it. You use it. Follow the steps we teach you and if you aren't satisfied with the results anytime within the first 365 day, then I will give you an additional $200 of the best money saving materials available!
All I ask you is that you try out this simple to use system for grocery savings. Just give it a fair effort. If you aren't satisfied with your savings, then I would like to take full responsibility by also giving you $200 in free money saving materials. All I ask is a couple of signs of proof that you followed this system. If you show me that it hasn't worked out for you, then I'll fulfill every word of this guarantee.
There is only one reason why I can do this. This is because I am extremely confident you are going to love the savings you obtain through our power shopping system. I know that you will succeed! I have seen the success with tons of families. If people give this system a try, they save money! It's that simple! And I am so confident and have seen this system help so many families get groceries for pennies on the dollar, that I can offer this guarantee with 100% confidence. And if you show me that it hasn't saved you huge amounts of money, then you can rest assured that I will fulfill my promise of a full refund or $200 in saving materials!
If you have any questions about this guarantee, we spell in out in further detail within our legal disclosures. CLICK HERE for a full explanation of our legal disclosures.
Now, this is important:
I don't want you to have to decide today if this power shopping system if right for you. Just take this information for a test drive! If you do not like the information as presented, just ask and we will refund your purchase. Who knows, maybe you will think that what we teach just isn't your cup of tea. But as a thank you for just taking a look, you get to keep all $150 worth of bonuses. So, you don't risk anything when you give our power shopping system a try. We believe that you shouldn't have to risk anything when you give any product a try. We are confident that you will save money, and if you don't, then it will be our loss and not yours.
So Here's How to Order Right Now
It's exciting to know that many families can save $50 to $100 on their first shopping trip, so the one time $7 payment will more than pay for itself the next time you shop! Your instant access to this valuable information is only a few clicks away. Click here for an instant download. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download your copy along with your other FREE Bonuses.

Purchase Online By Credit Card through ClickBank's Secure Server
Act Now While The Price Is Low!
People get so excited about these grocery saving tools and techniques, along with our amazing bonuses that you need to buy today while we can keep the price so low! As you probably have guessed, the owners at ATI want me to charge a lot more for this info ($300 per year to be exact), so make sure you pick up your copy of this eBook now!
Remember, you will get instant access to this information right after your payment clears. If for some reason you are worried about the download, please watch my special video tutorial that walks you step-by-step through the download. Just Click Here to watch this tutorial.
I Guarantee You Will Save Huge Amounts of Money on Your Grocery Bill
...Or Get A Full Refund Or $200 In Saving Materials!
The power shopping system you learn in our eBook is backed a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. So if for some reason, you find you're not entirely satisfied with your decision within the next 8 weeks, then it is easy to request a full refund of your purchase.
Now, if you follow or power shopping system as presented and find that it didn't work out for you, then you have 1 full year to ask for your $200 in free money saving materials!
Click Here Now to Download your Copy
You will be downloading and reading the eBook and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes... and using it to start saving hundreds a month on your grocery bill starting today!
Happy Savings!
Daniel Pereira
P.S. Don't forget to Act Now to be guaranteed your $150 in bonuses. If our system doesn't work for you, then these $150 in bonuses are yours to keep - FREE!
"Saving Money through Power Shopping is the best grocery savings book out there. Anyone who follows it can save hundreds of dollars per month. I highly recommend it!" - Jared C --Utah
"Thank you for all of your valuable tips. In just a few weeks I have gone from saving a few dollars here and there to saving 45% on my grocery bill. I feel your site, with all of its info has been one of the (if not the one) best resources I have found. You and your advice has already helped us save a lot of money."
- Teresa S. --Ohio
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Copyright 2011 Coupons to Free Groceries
Daniel Pereira (801) 755-3630 daniel@couponstofreegroceries.com